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Our Mission at the New Realist

Our Mission at the New Realist

The New Realist is a hard hitting left-wing independent publication calling for the complete rebuilding of the left from scratch. The contemporary and old left has failed in achieving the goals of bringing about an egalitarian society emancipating workers from being dominated by capitalist forces. Worse, the left offers little of substance remedying the ills of Western democratic capitalism.

The New Realist will acerbically call out the ignoramus of the left and right who hold back progress. Humanities journey into the Anthropocene – the geological epoch in which humans significantly impact the Earth – is blighted by poor international governance. Ineffectual climate accords and an impotent United Nations is not a model for international governance in the Anthropocene.

Karl Marx predicted that the contradictions within capitalism will result in its demise consequently yielding in socialism. This prediction has proven wrong. Marx did not anticipate that the contradictions of capitalism, alongside its innovative engine, ensured the longevity of capitalism. A contradiction that will kill capitalism and human civilisation as we know it is the incessant need for consuming a finite number of resources while destroying the ecosystem of the planet.

Only a new political economy which treats ecological sustainability as, if not more, important as profitability is integral for human civilisation navigating the Anthropocene. Only an egalitarian society can disperse the power and responsibilities that humans must assume both individually and collectively. The new political economy entails mutualism, i.e. socialism, replacing capitalism as Karl Marx did in fact predict. It is not via historical, or teleological, necessity that socialism will arise. It is our responsibility as civilians of our national, and the international, polity for ensuring socialism arises.

Failure guarantees the regression of human civilisation which will take centuries, even millennia, to recover from and undermine the material and educational progress all humans have made over the last 200 years. By the time people realise that Karl Marx's 'prophecy' was true, it will be too late. There won't be an international proletarianism, but fascist ultranationalism or ultra-tribalism, that will replace capitalism.

The mission of the New Realist is simple. Encourage the rise of the Mutualist and Socialist movement. Invigorate the working classes liberating them from the powers of capitalist economic forces. Invigorating the spirit of cooperation, mutualistic relationships and solidarity among the working classes and the young. Invigorating and promoting cutting-edge thought from political economists. Attacking acerbically the powers who would see human civilisation destroyed in the pursuit of greed and power.

I (Gareth Mawer, founder of the New Realist) signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.